The Mennonite Great Room/Parlour
The Mennonite House – Great Room The Great Room was the highlight of the Russian Mennonite house. Out of bounds for children, it was for the parents and their guests only. Medicine, fancy dishes, and valuables were stored here, as well as old books, passports, and bedding. The big central stove in the middle of […]
Interactive 3D Mennonite House
An interactive 3D Model of a typical Mennonite Village farmhouse.
Early Mennonite House Chortitza 1798
This was translated into English and modelled in 3D to accurately show the proportions of an early log house. The drawing was done to mimic the original Russian drawing. (see below) However, none of the above is original. It is all based on a modern architectural model. The size of the structure is certainly impressive. […]