The Mennonite House - Great Room
The Great Room was the highlight of the Russian Mennonite house. Out of bounds for children, it was for the parents and their guests only. Medicine, fancy dishes, and valuables were stored here, as well as old books, passports, and bedding. The big central stove in the middle of the house kept this room warm. Click on the virtual tour above to experience a late 1800’s – early 1900’s great room in a Mennonite house in the Russian Empire. The layout shown in this room is based largely on an earlier post found here. It is from a Russian archival drawing of a typical Mennonite home from 1852. Click on the link and follow the notes inside the virtual room to learn more about the furniture.
I built this house in Autodesk Revit and rendered the 360 image in Twinmotion.
Main sources were
1.)Mennonite Foods & Folkways From South Russia, Vol. II, Norma Jost Voth,
2.)Atlas Projektov i Chertezhei Selskikh Postroek [Collection of Plans and Designs for Rural Structures], Department of Agriculture- Saint Petersburg, 1853,
Атлас Проектов и Чертежей Сельских Построек, Изданный От Департамента Сельского Хозяйства М.Г.И. – Search RSL. Accessed 15 June 2020
3.) Mennonite Furniture: A Migrant Tradition, John M. Janzen, Reinhild Kauenhoven Janzen,1991
4.) Special thanks to Maria Wilms
5.) Many other individual suggestions and contributions.

Very interecting, excellent work Brent
Hervorragend. Sehr authentisch mit vielen Details. Weiter so Brent.